What is allowed on Hive?

We understand that you may want to share nude images that are inherently artistic or creative in essence. This includes photos, videos, and digitally-created content that show sexual intercourse, genitals, and nude close-ups, as well as nudity in photos of paintings and sculptures. This content will be categorized as NSFW Mature Content.

When posting NSFW Mature Content, please toggle the NSFW button to On in Post Settings. This will prevent your content from being shown to minors and prevent account/post deletion.

If your NSFW content is not tagged as NSFW, users may report your post and it will consequently be deleted. Repeated violations will lead to account deletion.

To ensure you can see NSFW posts, please enter your Privacy and Safety Settings, tap NSFW Mature Content, and switch the button to On. You will then be able to see posts tagged as NSFW.

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